Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Grandmother Uses Oculus Rift as Therapy

The other day I posted this video on Youtube.

The response was overwhelmingly kind and thoughtful. So many viewers were very encouraging and some even suggested other Oculus Rift demos for my grandmother to try. The top comment suggested Oculus Google Street View. I was at work when checking it out, and a map popped up. I decided to put my grandmother's house address in it and was dumbfounded by the results!

A picture of her taken a few years ago waving at the google van! WHAT?! That alone was amazing. I can't wait to show her this. I will post more updates when I can on here.

Over all this has been an amazing, powerful and humbling experience. To feel, for so long, like the world is unjust and unfair.. but then to see strangers extend a helping hand and waves of love and encouragement has been such an awakening experience. I thank you all for your support, and only wish you pay it forward and help another in need when possible.

